Flashover in busbars
As for XLPE cable testing, if XLPE is used for insulation in the switchgear, the cross linking will be treed by HV DC and permanently destroyed. For this reason, HV DC is no longer used for XLPE cable testing. The switchgear should have a power frequency withstand test only and not HV DC. Refer to the relevant switchgear standard for the applied rms voltage. Any XLPE insulation will need to be replaced as it is most likely has been damaged by treeing of the cross linkages in the insulation. A maximum of say 2.5 kV DC is allowed for IR and PI only.
Humidity plays important part in flashover. We faced a problem of flashovers in Air insulated 11kV Switchgear busbar compartments in rainy seasons. Any sharp edge will ionize the surrounding air, which becomes conductive to high voltage discharge. Moisture will hasten the process of discharge. During HV test also this aspect should be kept in mind.
And make sure the following:
Clean all the supporting bus insulators and spouts with CRC spray.
Ensure the earth bus continuity and its connection with the earth grid.
all PTs are taken out.
all CT ckt output shorted at the panel.
All LAs are disconnected
Conduct a general cleaning of busbars through CRC-sprays.
Megger the bus bar with 5KV between phases, and between phase to earth for 1 mints before HV test.
Ensure the earth bus continuity and its connection with the earth grid.
Use AC high voltage test preferably
Connect HV test kit body ground to the SWGR body ground.
Apply 80% of the power frequency voltage applied at the FAT test.
If you are doing with AC hv kit then this may be a larger unit and leakage current is exceeding and tripping.
Try for smaller sections of busbars/increase the leakage current if options are available.
Rate of rise of voltage should be in steps of 2KV/s and gradual.
Check tripping function of the test kit.
Apply voltage betweenL1-(L2+L3)=G-1mints
apply voltage in the same way between other phases also.
If it withstands ok alternately you have to go for individual inspection of the insulators/spouts.
Humidity plays important part in flashover. We faced a problem of flashovers in Air insulated 11kV Switchgear busbar compartments in rainy seasons. Any sharp edge will ionize the surrounding air, which becomes conductive to high voltage discharge. Moisture will hasten the process of discharge. During HV test also this aspect should be kept in mind.
And make sure the following:
Clean all the supporting bus insulators and spouts with CRC spray.
Ensure the earth bus continuity and its connection with the earth grid.
all PTs are taken out.
all CT ckt output shorted at the panel.
All LAs are disconnected
Conduct a general cleaning of busbars through CRC-sprays.
Megger the bus bar with 5KV between phases, and between phase to earth for 1 mints before HV test.
Ensure the earth bus continuity and its connection with the earth grid.
Use AC high voltage test preferably
Connect HV test kit body ground to the SWGR body ground.
Apply 80% of the power frequency voltage applied at the FAT test.
If you are doing with AC hv kit then this may be a larger unit and leakage current is exceeding and tripping.
Try for smaller sections of busbars/increase the leakage current if options are available.
Rate of rise of voltage should be in steps of 2KV/s and gradual.
Check tripping function of the test kit.
Apply voltage betweenL1-(L2+L3)=G-1mints
apply voltage in the same way between other phases also.
If it withstands ok alternately you have to go for individual inspection of the insulators/spouts.
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