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Sundar Muruganandhan
10-22-2013 05:34 AM

What software would you suggest for design of BLDC motors?

What software would you suggest for design of BLDC motors to someone who does not have prior experience in motor design, but understands magnetics quite well?
10-22-2013 08:10 AM
Top #2
David Bonner
10-22-2013 08:10 AM
I'd suggest SolidWorks, but include the simulation packages. David Bonner, Thor Power Corporation
10-22-2013 10:30 AM
Top #3
Aleksandr Nagorny
10-22-2013 10:30 AM
I would sugest not to start with FEA, and use the motor design software like RMxprt or SPEED. That will help to get general understanding of the processes and parameters of the motor and then you can come to finite element method.
10-22-2013 01:14 PM
Top #4
Bogi Bech Jensen
10-22-2013 01:14 PM
I agree with Aleksandr, but would take it a bit further back and would not start with any software at all. Starting with analytical methods gives you the best "first principle" understanding of the design. Once this is properly in place I would proceed to finite element, e.g. MagNet or Opera.
10-22-2013 04:05 PM
Top #5
Katarzyna Fonteyn
10-22-2013 04:05 PM

Do you need 3D or is 2D only enough...?

Anyway, for commerical softwares, I would just go for Ansoft/Ansys. If you need to work with coupling different fields, Comsol is really user friendly, at least according to me. The softwares are pretty easy to use and there are different tutorials available.

I would also suggest you to read a good book about electrical machines design, just drop me a message, and I will suggest you some references.

10-22-2013 06:17 PM
Top #6
Claudia Andrea da Silva
10-22-2013 06:17 PM
Dear Sir

When I started working with BLDC motor some years ago I I had the same doubt. After some investigations I noticed that SPEED Software was the good one for my goal. Several colleagues did the same. It is so educative.
Today I still use it and if necessary I use Flux2D to complete the analysis of my designs. Results are so good.
10-22-2013 08:39 PM
Top #7
Phillip Weicker, P.E.
10-22-2013 08:39 PM
MotorSolve from Infolytica.... Power of FEA and ease of Speed/RMXpert.
10-22-2013 11:29 PM
Top #8
Santhosh N L
10-22-2013 11:29 PM
I just JMAG DESIGNER from JSOL Corporation, which has the capability to do Coupled Electro-Magnetic-Thermal-Structural and Power Electronics together, with link to Real Time Data Capturing Instruments.

There are Motors Templates available, 700+ Material Database 200+ Templates

Separate Modules for Motor Design, Motor Control System Design

Plenty of case studies available for BLDC Motor

if you need any more information please mail me
10-23-2013 02:09 AM
Top #9
Stefano Tizianel
10-23-2013 02:09 AM
I agree with Nagorny. Do start with Matlab or Octave (Free) or Mathcad, and write down all your own formula. I've found quite useful the first chapter of Yeadon "handbook of small electric motor" where there is a good description of the use of reluctances circuits. In this way one can get deep inside of the design. some monthes later one can appreciate FEA. There is also a good freeware software on web: do look for FEMM on google.
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