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High current intensity harmonics [%THD (A)] in several motors?

Most electric motors that suffer variations in Load already have variable frequency drives, we have capacitors installed in general switchboard to correct the reactive energy and so on. I did a discretization of the electrical consumption by product type, during this energy survey I noticed that in most motors Amperage THD was high, above 40%. I would like to know what effect does it have on efficiency and possible causes and solutions.

One more thing, when is it profitable to substitute motors by high efficiency motors? Because in the transport system I have about 60 electric motors below 10HP with a power factor of 0,6 , I was thinking in installing a capacitor in the switchboard of the transport system.

Variable frequency drives and other power electronic loads will draw harmonic currents from the power source. More VFDs, UPSs, rectifiers, etc means more harmonic current. When harmonic current flows through system impedance, it causes harmonic voltage to be present on the power system. That means there are essentially harmonic voltage sources at each harmonic frequency and therefore loads will draw current (harmonics) at each one of those frequencies. PF Capacitors offer a low impedance path to harmonics (attracting them) and may be damaged when connected to a system with harmonic producing loads. It is also possible for capacitors to cause a resonance condition whereby the harmonics can be amplified. Consider detuned capacitors (with harmonic blocking reactors) or addition of harmonic filters. There are several alternative methods of filtering the harmonics.

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