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Sensorless motor control with TI and Microchip
I need to learn about the sensorless control of permanent magnet AC (PMAC) motors. Can you recommend a tutorial and/or open source code for the sensorless motor control using the
a) TI TMS320 series processor, or
b) Microchip dsPIC33EP128 series processor?
I have used Microchip and TMS320 to develop VFD for various applications. To give you a top level view, The TMS320 is a high end solution - a lot of commercial variable frequency drive uses TMS320 DSP. Quite a bit of work in programming, but if you go to the Ti web site and look at their new InstaspinFOC and InstaspinMotion, Ti have the entire motor control solution software implemented in ROM, you buy the chip, write a C program to call up their motor control function and you and a VFD. They provide you with a demo kit, PCB and a motor. It take me half a day to get the demo PCB running with my PMSM. Then I copy their design to my own.
The Microchip solution provides you with demo code. I used that before, but it require quite a bit of C programming, and motor tuning take even longer. The demo code and application note are no where near the performance of the Ti solution (I do not work for Ti -so I am not advertising). I take me a week to get my motor spinning with the demo kit from Microchip.
Then there are the International Rectifier solution that is available from many years. The IR sensorless motion control solution have implemented a FOC motor control in FPGA. So you don't need to write code for motor control. In the chip, it also has a 8051 cpu. You write the program in C; 1 page of code will get a washing machine working. It takes me 1 day to get a PMSM motor running with this solution.
I will use the TI solution for high end motor control - such as a US$40,000 dollar, 100HP direct drive PCP used in the oil field.
I will use the IR solution for a water pump, washing machine - things that is a few kw.
I will use the microchip for solution for toys, because Microchip is so much fun to play with.
I need to learn about the sensorless control of permanent magnet AC (PMAC) motors. Can you recommend a tutorial and/or open source code for the sensorless motor control using the
a) TI TMS320 series processor, or
b) Microchip dsPIC33EP128 series processor?
I have used Microchip and TMS320 to develop VFD for various applications. To give you a top level view, The TMS320 is a high end solution - a lot of commercial variable frequency drive uses TMS320 DSP. Quite a bit of work in programming, but if you go to the Ti web site and look at their new InstaspinFOC and InstaspinMotion, Ti have the entire motor control solution software implemented in ROM, you buy the chip, write a C program to call up their motor control function and you and a VFD. They provide you with a demo kit, PCB and a motor. It take me half a day to get the demo PCB running with my PMSM. Then I copy their design to my own.
The Microchip solution provides you with demo code. I used that before, but it require quite a bit of C programming, and motor tuning take even longer. The demo code and application note are no where near the performance of the Ti solution (I do not work for Ti -so I am not advertising). I take me a week to get my motor spinning with the demo kit from Microchip.
Then there are the International Rectifier solution that is available from many years. The IR sensorless motion control solution have implemented a FOC motor control in FPGA. So you don't need to write code for motor control. In the chip, it also has a 8051 cpu. You write the program in C; 1 page of code will get a washing machine working. It takes me 1 day to get a PMSM motor running with this solution.
I will use the TI solution for high end motor control - such as a US$40,000 dollar, 100HP direct drive PCP used in the oil field.
I will use the IR solution for a water pump, washing machine - things that is a few kw.
I will use the microchip for solution for toys, because Microchip is so much fun to play with.
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