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Topics: Advantages/Disadvantages of String inverters vs. Central inverters? on Inverter
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Krishnan Kunchithapatham
03-31-2014 09:05 PM

Advantages/Disadvantages of String inverters vs. Central inverters?

Have any body compared the advantages/disadvantages of String inverters vs. Central inverters for a MW sized PV plant?
03-31-2014 11:51 PM
Top #2
Rakesh Agnihotri
03-31-2014 11:51 PM
The basic advantage of String Inverters is their redundancy. Also it saves lot of copper in DC cabling.
04-01-2014 02:29 AM
Top #3
Paras Kumar
04-01-2014 02:29 AM
For a MW size plant with many string inverters the shutting down of one string inverter will not reflect much power loss as compared to a plant connected to a central inverter and the central inverter shuts down if any problem occurs in the inverter.
04-01-2014 04:32 AM
Top #4
Rakesh Agnihotri
04-01-2014 04:32 AM
Further there are some restrictions that one can not use the String inverers with Amorphous modules..............
04-01-2014 07:05 AM
Top #5
Sameer Madan
04-01-2014 07:05 AM
Impact of shading using string inverter is Lower
Can Monitor individual strings (Voltage, Current, Power); coz SSM monitoring system is used in it
MPPT for each string hence better power gneration thourghout the day..
Module mismatching effect is minimized
Low DC cable losses as compared to central.
04-01-2014 09:09 AM
Top #6
Rakesh Agnihotri
04-01-2014 09:09 AM
...absolutely correct....I agree with all the points mentioned by Sameer.....would you please elaborate on lower shading losses in the string inveters please.
04-01-2014 11:31 AM
Top #7
Sameer Madan
04-01-2014 11:31 AM
In a series string of solar cells, the shading of any one cell introduces a high impedance and dramatically cuts the output of the whole string.

This means that one large leaf can cut the output of a four string solar panel by a quarter, and then that panel will drag down the output of all panels connected in series with it.
Theoratcialy the ideal way to minimise this will be use of MPPT for each module hence the concpet of micro inverteres for modules...
Other wise the use of MPPT for each string would considerably reduce the shading losses....& so the string inverter would.....
04-01-2014 02:17 PM
Top #8
Rakesh Agnihotri
04-01-2014 02:17 PM
Good......that means more number of MPPTs and hence better output !
04-01-2014 04:56 PM
Top #9
Rakesh Agnihotri
04-01-2014 04:56 PM
Hope now Krishnan would have got his answer by now!
04-01-2014 07:14 PM
Top #10
Krishnan Kunchithapatham
04-01-2014 07:14 PM
Dear All,
Still I couldn't get advantages in quantitative terms.If that is published,developers can make a concrete decision. I am seeig all 5 MW/10W plants are using central inverters
04-01-2014 09:19 PM
Top #11
Rakesh Agnihotri
04-01-2014 09:19 PM
I think Sameer can throw more light on this as Reliance has already done a 5 MW solar farm in Rajasthan using string inverters long back.
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