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Calculate current setting of overcurrent relay

You can calculate current setting of overcurrent relay by using next expression:

Isetting ≥ (ks*Imaxopam)/(a*pi)

where are:

Isetting-current setting of overcurrent relay
ks-safety coefficient
Imaxopam-maximum operational current under which overcurrent relay shouldn't to act
a-coefficient of layoffs overcurrent relay (0,85-0,95)
pi-ratio of current transformer
kam-coefficient which describes influence of common starting of all asynchronous electrical motors in the appropriate power network after elimination of fault (1-6)
Imaxoptr-maximum operational current of power transformer

Besides I have already explained meanings of all appropriate sizes, I would like to underline differentiate between Imaxopam and Imaxoptr.
Imaxoptr is maximum operational current of power transformer in normal conditions while Imaxopam is maximum operational current of power transformer after interruption of fault and mentioned current includes influence of common starting of all asynchronous electrical motors in the appropriate power network after elimination of fault. It is very important to say that appearing of fault in power network leads to significant decreasing of voltage what has a consequence deceleration of all asynchronous electrical motors in appropriate power network. After interruption of fault, it comes to appearing of process during which all asynchronous electrical motors are starting in some parts of power network which are still turned on. This is situation which is significant different from situation where asynchronous electrical motors are starting one by one while in this case all asynchronous electrical motors are starting at the same time. Because of this fact, after elimination of fault, value of current isn't same as value of current before appearing of fault. After elimination of fault, value of current, which I called Imaxopam, is higher than value of operational current of power transformer, which I called Imaxoptr, but under those conditions there is no fault, so current setting of overcurrent relay should to be set on that value of current and mentioned relay shouldn't act under those conditions.

After calculation of current setting of overcurrent relay, you need to check coefficient of sensitivity of acting of overcurrent relay by using next expression:


where are:

ksens-coefficient of sensitivity of acting of overcurrent relay
Ifmin-minimum fault current (1 phase fault to the earth or 2 phases fault)
Isetting-current setting of overcurrent relay
pi-ratio of current transformer

Value of coefficient of sensitivity of acting of overcurrent relay should to be higher or equal with 1,5 in case when is fault at opposite busbars (busbars where isn't overcurrent relay) or higher or equal with 1,2 in case when is fault at the end of the longest feeder which begins at those opposite busbars. Time setting should to be selected like that overcurrent relay needs to wait acting of another protection which is on the feeders (for example distance protection).

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