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Topics: Solar park wind loads on Solar Energy
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Peter Teesdale
02-13-2014 04:57 AM

Solar park wind loads

What are the wind loads on the structures and panels and is this the same for the whole park and if there is a difference around the perimeter what is it. What is the maximum wind speed these structures have been designed to withstand. All help welcome
02-13-2014 07:02 AM
Top #2
Marc Greenfield
02-13-2014 07:02 AM
Peter, it depends on the location. Different areas have different loads.
02-13-2014 09:58 AM
Top #3
Weiqian Hu
02-13-2014 09:58 AM
Based on IEC standard, normally need to achieve 2400Pa minimum. Some area need 5400Pa for the wind load.
02-13-2014 12:51 PM
Top #4
Ricardo Regadas Roman
02-13-2014 12:51 PM
You need to calculate the estructure for an achievable speed on the place or regarding to the country rules or as Weiqian Hu said IEC standards.

I do the calculation for the worst conditions, so the first and the last row, traction and suction.
02-13-2014 03:17 PM
Top #5
Peter Teesdale
02-13-2014 03:17 PM
thank you all
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