How we can interface a machine with a computer, so that when the machine is on or off, the status is displayed on the computer.please give me its solution
01-03-2014 02:30 AM
Top #2
David Greening
01-03-2014 02:30 AM
There are numerous digital interface cards on the market. These are known as "DAQ" or data acquisition cards.
A popular brand is National Instruments
You will need to write some software to read the values in.
If it is a simple single on/off value, you could use a remote circuit with a PIC and an onboard web server, which you would then browse to from the computer. I dont have example chips in mind but i have seen it done.
01-03-2014 04:35 AM
Top #3
umair javed
01-03-2014 04:35 AM
can you give me the complete description of this project? starting from the kind of sensor, software requirements and interfacing the DAQ card with PC?
01-03-2014 07:31 AM
Top #4
David Greening
01-03-2014 07:31 AM
You would need a switch connected to the machine that is closed when it is running and open when off. this switch would be a binary input to the DAQ card.
The DAQ card simply plugs into a PCI bus slot in the pc. The DAQ cards from national instruments come with software to talk to the card so you will be able to see it working.
In terms of custom software to read the DAQ card, i am sure you could find some VB or C++ samples on the net.
National instruments have a "developer zone" on their site with code samples.
01-03-2014 09:59 AM
Top #5
umair javed
01-03-2014 09:59 AM
Thanks a lot Mr. David
this will help me a lot
01-03-2014 12:07 PM
Top #6
Ahmad Z. Tibi
01-03-2014 12:07 PM
Is DAQ card only for data acquisition, I mean can we use it to provide instruction from PC to the machine?
01-03-2014 03:01 PM
Top #7
Ricardo Rodríguez
01-03-2014 03:01 PM
think it's best to use a SCADA (WinCCflexible for example) to communicate with the machine. It is a much more efficient and scalable.
01-03-2014 05:02 PM
Top #8
Indrajeet Kolekar
01-03-2014 05:02 PM
which machine pls?
01-03-2014 07:46 PM
Top #9
David Greening
01-03-2014 07:46 PM
Ahmad - you can make outputs with the correct type of DAQ card. You can have analogue ins/outs and digital in/outs.
01-03-2014 10:43 PM
Top #10
Abel Gonzalez
01-03-2014 10:43 PM
You can make an derived an on/off signal from the machine. Here is an example.
1) hardwire the power source from the machine to a component (ex. relay).
2) wire the component output (on/off signal) to the data acquisition interface input.
3) Map the data acquisition input data to your PC program.
Please note the example above only depicts the concept. You may need additional hardware, software and/or perfom additional steps. Hope this was useful though.
01-04-2014 12:58 AM
Top #11
umair javed
01-04-2014 12:58 AM
it is a simple task so we don't need SCADA.
if anybody refer me the name of interface card suitable for this task, because i have to display only the on and off status of machine.There are 3 machines so the total no of inputs are 6, 2 for each machine.
you just need to input the status of machine into the interface card and this status will be displayed on PC.
i just need an interface card
Thanks a lot for your suggestions