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Topics: Why the rating of motor is in KW or HP. on General Discussion
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rishi anand
10-13-2013 11:43 PM

Why the rating of motor is in KW or HP.

Why the rating of motor is in KW or HP.
10-14-2013 01:49 AM
Top #2
Umar Draz
10-14-2013 01:49 AM
There is certain power factor already mentioned by the manufacturer due to impedence offered by the motor. So one can now the real power ...
10-14-2013 03:57 AM
Top #3
Gary Fox
10-14-2013 03:57 AM
You want to select a motor based on the shaft load you want to drive.
10-14-2013 06:32 AM
Top #4
Bojan Močević
10-14-2013 06:32 AM
Electrical motor is a kind of rotating electrical machine whose purpose is to convert electrical (active) power into mechanical (work) power, so rated power of electrical motors is expressed in W, kW, MW or HP because of fact that this kind of power is a key factor for process of converting electrical (active) power into mechanical (work) power.
10-14-2013 09:21 AM
Top #5
Firas Saegh
10-14-2013 09:21 AM

just to put together what Gary and Bojan say, the motor power is in kW (or HP) because it is the MECHANICAL power you get at the output shaft.

This means that the Power factor and all losses have been taken in account.

The motor power is expressed as P = sqrt(3).V.I.E.cos(phi)

E: Etta the efficiency.
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