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Topics: Is Software Defined Networking the Future of Cloud & Network Infrastructure? on General Discussion
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Niharika Trivedi
10-17-2013 04:38 AM

Is Software Defined Networking the Future of Cloud & Network Infrastructure?

Is Software Defined Networking the Future of Cloud & Network Infrastructure?
10-17-2013 06:49 AM
Top #2
Bob White
10-17-2013 06:49 AM
Could you elaborate on what this has to do with power electronics?
10-17-2013 09:40 AM
Top #3
Niharika Trivedi
10-17-2013 09:40 AM
Just a quick question to you Bob...isn't your organization cloud enabled?
10-17-2013 12:34 PM
Top #4
Bob White
10-17-2013 12:34 PM
@Niharika: No, it is not. I keep all data and applications on my own machines with backups under lock and key in a fire resistant safe. I don't trust any cloud provider with my data or my applications.

But anyway, still, what does your original post have to do with power electronics?
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