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Topics: Are there lists of motion control integrators by state? on General Discussion
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Jason Ross
10-14-2013 03:58 AM

Are there lists of motion control integrators by state?

Are there lists of motion control integrators by state?  Looking for a good mid-atlantic SI
10-14-2013 06:00 AM
Top #2
Zak Kistler, P.E.
10-14-2013 06:00 AM
Here's a list that's maintained by one of the editors at Control Engineering: https://www.integratorguide.com

Nexjen Systems is located in Charlotte, NC. Perhaps we can be of assistance?
10-14-2013 08:22 AM
Top #3
Jason Ross
10-14-2013 08:22 AM
This is a really helpful guide. Thank you very much! NC is a little far for a smaller project we are working on (too small for us). I believe I have an SI engaged at this point but I will see. Schneider Electric has a CoDeSys based motion solution and it seems that in some regions it is difficult to find local SI with a proven portfolio of CoDeSys motion centric projects.
10-14-2013 10:36 AM
Top #4
Zak Kistler, P.E.
10-14-2013 10:36 AM
Glad you found the guide helpful! Vance Van Doren is the gentleman that compiles and maintains that integrator guide. If you read Control Engineering you've read his work, I'm sure.

We have extensive experience with NI-based real-time motion control systems as well as multiple PLC platforms (AB, Siemens, etc.). We also have a UL panel shop, so please keep us in mind.


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