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08-18-2013 09:31 PM

What formula should be adopted in providing capacitors for an industry?

What formula should be adopted in providing capacitors for an industry?
08-18-2013 09:32 PM
Top #2
08-18-2013 09:32 PM
Go to a Consultant and invite him to visit your premises,take measurements,study the requirement and give a report on how(methods) to improve the power factor.
08-18-2013 10:13 PM
Top #3
08-18-2013 10:13 PM
Be careful to consider harmonics when placing capacitors in an industrial environment. There can be interactions between the capacitor and existing harmonics from loads. The consultant needs to be well versed in harmonics.
08-18-2013 10:14 PM
Top #4
08-18-2013 10:14 PM
hmmm, You should first do some power analysis on your system, to distinguish your power system requirements... You have to consider power factor, harmonics, voltage/ load unbalances, distortion, etc... Like what Mr. Charles, study and confirm first before implementing such actions... you don't want that your capacitor banks be on flames without realizing the root cause, since you were devoted on the power factor adjustments alone...

If you do not want such third party to come along your way, some testers have that capabilities in giving out data of your power system like Fluke...
08-18-2013 10:15 PM
Top #5
08-18-2013 10:15 PM
Charles is absolutely right, power factor is A big word! 20 years ago it was easy, jut use the stupid formula and chose your capacitors, now it's a bit different with all the harmonics generators.
If your correction is small, than it's ok, by experience no danger to the installation, but if you would need more than 10-15% or reactive energy, than make a big analysis of the network (harmonics).
08-18-2013 10:16 PM
Top #6
08-18-2013 10:16 PM
There are formulas and different methods, thumb rules for providing capacitors for an industries related to the inductive loads. It is specialized field and thorough study of supply; harmonics from loads are needed to be taken care for effective control. So get your premises visited by experts who can study the requirement and give a report for improvement of the power factor by analyzing all the factors.
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