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Topics: A need of change in Solar technology in Rajasthan on Solar Energy
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Himanshu Singh
12-30-2013 03:05 PM

A need of change in Solar technology in Rajasthan

A need of change in Solar technology in Rajasthan - thin filn not good.........
12-30-2013 05:44 PM
Top #2
M Raja Reddy
12-30-2013 05:44 PM
For any site, trade-off should be performed with all environmental conditions to compute the figures of merits with LCOE as the prime metric and select the technology for the specific site location.
12-30-2013 08:01 PM
Top #3
Nick Chan
12-30-2013 08:01 PM
Hi! Himanshu, thanks very much for your information.
Please be noted that CdTe is just a kind of thin film panels, which CdTe has relatively short history for both technology and commercial development.

However, a-si Thin Film has already been invented since 1975 and first commercial project was developed in 1984, which the plant is still operating. a-si Thin Film has proved to be durable with no toxic materials included. Hope here the information can gives you a better idea of Thin Film. I am also open to disucss with you if you are interested. nick.chan@sungen.com

12-30-2013 10:06 PM
Top #4
Paul Millott
12-30-2013 10:06 PM
I am in a tropical climate and we have a local First Solar factory here. So far I have seen that their modules perform better than crystalline and have not heard any negative comments. What was the problem with the CIS PV? Was it the PV itself or the installation?
12-31-2013 12:07 AM
Top #5
Joop Hoek
12-31-2013 12:07 AM
I can help you with the solution J.hoek@rocketmail.com
12-31-2013 03:00 AM
Top #6
Himanshu Singh
12-31-2013 03:00 AM
Thank you Mr. Reddy and Nick for the information
12-31-2013 05:04 AM
Top #7
Himanshu Singh
12-31-2013 05:04 AM
Mr. Joop,

you can mail me details on agm@greenergytechnologies.in
12-31-2013 07:11 AM
Top #8
12-31-2013 07:11 AM
i'm power engineering from USA, please send me information detail your project
- Which thilmfilm? Spec of thilm
- Which inverter? Spec of inverter
I will help you idea best can
now we trade wholesale solar at USA.. We can help you design new some project farm solar if you want
12-31-2013 09:14 AM
Top #9
Joop Hoek
12-31-2013 09:14 AM

read this and contact me , www.Solimpeks.com has the solution, with their Voltherm modul ,where you can cool the wafers with water
American company First Solar, major supplier of cadmium telluride-based thin-film photo-voltaic modules to India, has admitted that its products are not suitable for hot climates. Reliance Power is a major customer of First...
I can send you a rapport of the The Solar Energy Group @ The University of Sydney
About Cooling of Concentrator Photovoltaic Cells
One line out the rapport:
(it will result in a higher cell temperature, which in turn leads to a significant drop in efficiency. cells should generally be kept below 60C to avoid any long-term damage.)
Also I can help you by the design and building solar installation
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